Meet ELI, Scoro’s AI-powered assistant!
As the first step, we’ve introduced ELI chat, which you can use as your personal Scoro expert and get answers to your questions about Scoro without leaving your site.
ELI chat is connected to Scoro’s Help Center, so it knows everything on it and can help you with simple Scoro-related questions.
Using ELI chat and rating the answers
To use it, click the ELI chat button at the top-right corner of your site.
While ELI supports most languages, we recommend using English to ensure that ELI provides accurate answers and information.
You can use the 👍 and 👎 icons to rate how useful the answers were. Your feedback helps us train ELI to be smarter and even more helpful.
Disabling ELI chat
By default, ELI chat is available to all site users.
While it isn't possible to disable ELI chat for specific users on your site, you can hide it for all users with the following steps:
- Go to Settings > Administration > Security settings
- Tick the Hide ELI chat checkbox.