Thanks to Scoro's interlinking capabilities, the detailed work report automatically gathers data on all completed time entries, tasks and events—providing managers with a real-time overview of all activities their teams have delivered. This granular visibility over all processes allows businesses to evaluate if they use time efficiently, compare data to spot areas for improvement and make strategic decisions.
There are hundreds of ways to group and view the Detailed work report. Let's look at the top 5 time-based reports we believe every manager should bookmark today.
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Make reading this article an interactive experience and create these reports as you go. To do this, head to Reports > Work > Detailed report and choose the period you want to evaluate. Make sure to select completed tasks and events only.
1. Get an overview of time usage by projects
Benefits of this report
- Spot neglected clients or those that get too much attention
- Drill deeper to see the activities and tasks behind each project
- Scope future projects more realistically
This report summarizes the time spent on all tasks and events linked to specific projects. To create this report, you'll have to use Scoro's double grouping option.
First, group the default list by Projects. Then choose Overview as the secondary grouping option.
At a high level, the graph gives you a quick overview of your time usage by projects, while the table below will help you pinpoint the exact hours spent. However, you can drill down to the granular details if something catches your attention.
For example, change the secondary grouping to Users if you wish to understand who spent time on those projects. Dive even deeper to know what exactly they spent their time on—click on their name to open the list of activities and delve into task details.
2. Understand if your team's time is well spent
Benefits of this report
- Evaluate how productively your team's time is used
- Evaluate if employees are using their skill set efficiently
- Optimize internal processes to reduce non-billable activities
While it is vital to know how much time various team members spend working in a given time period, the most crucial aspect is understanding whether that time is used productively.
This report can help managers evaluate if their team is using their time and skill set efficiently, spending too much time in internal meetings, or doing things below or above their skill level.
In order for you to categorize your team's work, so that it can be easily compared and analyzed later, we recommend using Activity types to track internal and client work. You can set these up in Settings > Work and projects > Activity types.
The easiest approach is to create two groups of Activity types to divide your activities into billable (client work) and non-billable (internal work) work. You can add as many corresponding activities to each group as needed. Read more about activity types.
Next, you need to ensure your team is on board. Instruct all employees to link each new task and event with the predefined activity types and explain the value of the additional effort.
The data will feed into Scoro's reports automatically and give you an opportunity to evaluate how effective your team time usage is.
To see this data in the detailed report, first group the tasks and events by Users. Then add Activity types as the secondary grouping option.
The report will now give you a clear overview of the time spent on various activities. To focus on how much time your team spends on client work, you can filter out the billable activity types only.
3. View team utilization
Benefits of this report
- Spot who's overworked and who's sitting idle
- Understand if you're hitting the billable utilization targets to be profitable
- Ensure your employees' work-life balance is good
One of the key aspects of running a profitable business is to hit billable utilization targets. You can create a detailed report in Scoro to track such statistics for each team member.
The utilization percentage is calculated by considering an employee's total capacity (working hours) and comparing it with the time they've spent working. If your team members work part-time hours, you can change their capacity in the Availability settings.
To tailor the report, click on the View menu to select an additional data column % of utilization. Then group the activity list by Days, Weeks or Months and use Users for the secondary grouping option. Drill deeper and Filter by activity types or projects to understand what proportion of the total capacity the team spends on client work.
4. Evaluate the value of your work
Benefits of this report
- See how much revenue various activities bring into your business
- Get a quick overview of labor costs and compare them with the income generated
- Pair financial insights with concrete activities, tasks and users
To set up this report, add the Earned revenue and Labor cost columns to your view. The Earned revenue shows you how much revenue an activity generated, while the Labor cost reveals the internal cost incurred to deliver this activity (to earn this revenue).
Then use the double grouping option and group the view by Projects and Users to get an overview of your income vs labor cost for specific projects.
To generate this report and understand the value of your work, you need to set up hourly labor costs and ensure that Scoro knows your selling price. Scoro will automatically calculate how much revenue completed tasks could generate if you manage your activities in any of the following ways:
- tasks are linked to a quote line item which has a selling price
- tasks have an activity type, which in turn is linked to a service or a product that has a selling price
- you have defined role-based selling prices and applied them to your project.
5. Compare performance between periods
Benefits of this report
- Track progress over time
- Spot trends and fluctuations in business performance
- Set realistic goals based on historical data
The best way to track your progress over time and set realistic goals for the future is to compare your performance between different time periods.
For example, you could track how much time your team has spent on internal activities this month compared to last and set a realistic goal to reduce this number by a certain percentage.
To gain these insights, group the detailed work report by Activity types and choose Overview as the secondary grouping option. Then use the time filter to select the periods you want to compare.
You'll see your results on the right-hand side of the table, with red and green arrows reflecting decrease and increase, respectively. You can also add a summary bar to this view to ensure the key metrics you choose to track are visible straight away.
To focus on time spent on admin work, filter out internal (non-billable) work only.
To monitor how well you are doing against the target, you can add all your summary bar metrics as goals to your dashboard.
To do this, first, Bookmark the view. Next, go to your dashboard. Choose to add a new metric from your bookmarks. As your goal is to reduce the duration of admin work week-on-week, select the duration metric.
Give the metric a title and choose the drop in this result as the preferred outcome. Save the new metric to add it to your dashboard immediately.