If you get duplicate contact cards at any point, you can easily merge them if needed.
Go to the Contacts list and open the contact you wish to merge with another contact.
Click on the button Merge contacts to move all data from this contact to the other one. Select the contact you wish to keep in your system – the contact that will later include all data from this one. For example, we wish to merge Concept LLC with Luminous Group.
All the data from Concept LLC is now moved under the Luminous Group. The data transferred is shown in yellow.
You can now decide which of the duplicate data is the main information (for example, if both companies had web pages, you can choose which one is the main one now). Save the changes.
All the data is now visible under the other contact (Luminous Group), and the first contact (Concept LLC, from which the merging started) is removed from the database.
Once the merging is done, it cannot be reverted!