The Watchdog is a feature in bookmarks that offers numerous possibilities to help you keep track of important actions in Scoro by notifying you of certain changes. You can add a Watchdog to most bookmarks in Scoro and set it up to notify you whenever needed.
So how exactly does the Watchdog work?
Let's say you want to keep an eye on quotes that exceed a certain value. First, create a bookmark for the quote list view. Make sure to select at least one value for the Summary bar filter, to activate the Watchdog functionality on that bookmark:
Now add a Watchdog to that bookmark to get notified of such quotes.
Tick the box Notify by email.
Note! Only the creator of this bookmark is notified, even if the bookmark is shared with other users.
Then, adjust the rules to suit your needs and select how often the list is checked. That's it!
You can do the same for average sums on quotes, project income, events planned in the calendar, overdue tasks in your task list, etc.
You can see and modify all your watchdogs from the bookmarks list, which you can access from My settings. Just click on the watchdog icon on the line of the bookmark.