Time locking allows your team members to submit their timesheets with completed activities on a weekly basis. The supervisor can then confirm and lock the submitted weeks. This prevents users from adding or modifying the locked period, therefore helping to avoid errors in invoicing and reporting.
Note! A prerequisite for Time locking is the Timesheet feature. Time locking is a separate feature that might not be included in your Scoro plan, check out the Plans, add-ons & billing section to see if you can add it to your existing plan as a paid add-on. It might be worth checking out our plans and pricing to make the best choice for your business.
To activate the feature, go to Settings > Work and projects > Calendar and tasks and tick the option Use time locking, then click Save. Please note that you have to be an administrator of the site to do that.
After you've activated the feature, you can see the Time locking section listed on the Admin panel under Settings > Administration > Time locking.
There, you can lock weeks in bulk by selecting the relevant users and time period. This is convenient when you first activate the time locking feature and wish to lock all previous weeks.
Permission sets define what users can see and do in Scoro. To give certain users the right to lock time, go to Settings > Administration > Permission sets. Click on Calendar and tasks access rights on the selected permission set line and determine whose timesheets they have the right to lock by selecting the option Full access + time locking.
For example, the Management team has 'Full access + time locking' for Project management users. For the rest of the users, Management team has only full access, without time locking.
As always, don’t forget to save the changes.
See the video above for a more detailed description of how to lock time via Timeheets.
How to unlock a timesheet?
If you come across a situation where you need to update a locked timesheet, this would require the same 'Full access + time locking' permissions.
To unlock a user's timesheet, you would need to open it in a view where you can see the user's completed tasks and events. There, you will see the 'Unlock' button, which will allow you to unlock the week and apply the necessary changes.
If the week will also be submitted, you won't be able to unsubmit it because that action is available only for the user whose timesheet it is, but you will be able to update the timesheet as needed.