To add a new order, click on the plus sign on the header menu and select New order.
Or click the New order button under Orders.
Enter the client and contact person you want to send the order to. Also, link the order to a relevant project, so you can get reporting on it correctly, but also find the order under that project, if needed.
Orders can also be created under client and project view, in which case the order will automatically be linked to the client or project.
When the contact is in the database, it will be displayed when you start typing in the name. If the entered contact is not in the database, you can add it by clicking on the plus sign. Fill in as much information on the contact card as needed, and click save.
When adding products, prices and units are displayed automatically, if you have entered them into the product database. The displayed price can be changed.
When you add a new product on the order, it will also be saved to the product database after saving the order. Or, you can add a new product to the database by clicking the plus sign on the product line and filling in the product card.
If accounting objects are enabled under settings, you can link them to products.
If you wish to find a product using the product code, type the code into the box Select product.
In order to use two comments instead of one, (one to describe the product, the second for return policy info, for example), tick the box Use secondary product/service description on lines under Settings > Sales and finance > General.
You can set up the standard number of product lines on each order under Settings.
Lines can be added, deleted and dragged into order.
Subheadings make long orders easier to view. For example, group three similar items under one subheading. To create a subheading, click on the button Add subheading and drag the heading on top of the product lines you would like to group.
You can also group prices. If you do not wish to display prices of rows on the PDF, you can hide them. In that case, clients will only see the sum of rows following the subheadings. Or, you can hide rows altogether and just show the group line.
VAT and discounts can also be line based. Activate line based tax rates under Settings > Sales and Finance > Tax rates and discounts under Settings > Sales and finance > Discounts.
Click on the percentage icon to open the discount calculator to see the calculation for a row based discount. Choose the desired sum and the discount will be calculated based on that, or type in the discount percentage.
If everything is filled in as it should, Save the order.
You can click on PDF to see the preview of the order. Scoro creates a PDF file based on your site’s template and chosen language.
Finally, click Send... to send out the order. The recipient’s field is automatically filled in. So is the content of the e-mail, if you have entered the information under settings.
You can find more order relevant settings under Settings > Sales and finance > Orders.