Let's go over how to view, modify and send an order.
Open the desired order under Orders, or under a linked contact or project. On the order view page, you can see to whom and when an order was sent.
Click the Modify button to update the order or delete it if your user has the relevant permission.
The order can be duplicated into a new order if needed.
Create from order... button gives you options for creating various invoices from that order.
If your site has more than one language activated, you can choose the language for the PDF when sending an order.
Products will be displayed in the appropriate language if they have been entered with translations in the product database. Go to Settings > Sales and finance > Products to make changes to your product database.
You can add files and comments to the order by scrolling down the order view.
When sending the order, you must tick the checkboxes under Attachments for the files you wish to include in the message.
Note! Make sure to set up SMTP settings before sending out any emails from Scoro to ensure that the emails reach the recipients!
All the sent emails with attachments can be seen under Reports > Sent items.