Scheduled bills save you from creating regularly occurring bills manually. For example, you pay rent at the same time each month. So, instead of creating a new bill every month, create a scheduled bill instead.
Note! If you wish to use the scheduled bills add-on, please get in touch with our Pricing team at!
Go to Purchases and click on Scheduled bills to open the list.
The list of scheduled bills gives an overview of active and inactive bills-to-be-made. Until the next date of issue, there is no bill created. You can filter the list of scheduled bills by users, status, projects, clients and dates.
To add a new scheduled bill click on the +New button above the list. When adding a new scheduled bill, pay attention to the issue interval – how often the bill is created.
You can set the bill as indefinite or set the date of last issue (e.g. today a year from now).