This article shows how to upload files in Scoro, who can access them, and how to manage all the uploaded files.
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1. Viewing and uploading files
To upload a file in the Files module:
- Click the + New button
- Click Choose file and select your file.
Once uploaded, your file will appear in the files list.
Alternatively, you can add files from almost every view in Scoro. For example, in the Details section in the project view:
2. Adding a file from your Scoro library
By default, the files are linked to the view they were added from.
To link an already uploaded file underneath a task, project, quote, etc.:
- Click Add file
- Click Add file from your Scoro library
- Select the file from the dropdown field.
If you added the incorrect file, hover over it and click the trash icon to unlink it.
3. File access permissions
You can manage the following permissions for each permission set under Settings > Administration > Permission sets:
- View files of other users
- Delete your own files
- Modify and delete files of other users
Additionally, access to files also depends on what modules the user has access to.
For example, if the user has permission to view files of other users, but doesn't have access to the Quotes module, then in the Files module they won't see any files attached to quotes.
4. Managing your files
You can filter the list by the owner, category, project, or contact. You can sort the list by owner, file name/type, size, and date.
To Modify the file, click on the pencil icon in the list view.
4.1. Marking a file private
If you do not want the files to be shared with others, mark the file as Private and save changes.
4.2. Replacing a file
You can also replace the file in the modified view. To do so, click Replace file, select the suitable file, and click Replace.
4.3. Downloading a file
If you need to download file from the Files module, select the files and click the Download button.
4.4. Deleting a file
To delete a file, click the pencil icon and click Delete.
To delete multiple files at once, select the ones you want to delete and click Delete.