The list of companies can be filtered by managers, types (clients and suppliers), tags, categories, location and so on.
Sorting can be done by name, address, relation, project, tax, reg. no., prepayment, and activity. Just click on the column header to sort the list.
The filtered list can be bookmarked or saved as a default view to find essential information quickly.
To display companies of certain categories, filter the chosen categories...
...or to see the companies of one specific category, click on the category symbol in the list.
- By clicking on the building icon in front of the company name, you're taken to the modifyview where you can quickly make changes to the contact.
- By clicking on the company name, you're taken to the detailed company view with a full overview of everything related to that company.
- If you move the cursor to the company name, a plus sign is displayed and it allows you to quickly add a new task or event that is automatically linked to that company.
To add similar tasks to several companies at once (for example, add a task for a follow-up call), select the companies and click on the New task button on the additional options toolbar. Or add a task bundle.
- Clicking on the related person opens up the person view.
- Clicking on the activity opens the modify window of the last task or event linked to that company.
- When you tick at least one of the boxes in front of the company name, the additional options toolbar is displayed at the top of the list for assigning an account manager, related users, tags, categories, lists, associating with a project, and adding a task or task bundle to the selected companies.
- This is how you can also access the export options to pull out the list of companies from Scoro if needed.
To filter out the list of companies without the necessary details like phone no./e-mail and postal address filled out, first, click the View button, then View options, and tick the option Display only incomplete entries and Display.