The list of people can be filtered by types (clients, suppliers, and representatives), tags, categories, and projects, but also job titles, locations, and so on.
Sorting can be done by name, address, relation, activity date, birthday, project, ID code, bank account, and prepayment. Just click on the column header to sort the list.
You can add or remove data columns on the list by changing the View. Click on View options and tick the options relevant to you.
The customized list can easily be bookmarked or saved as a default view to find essential information quickly without having to filter the view each time.
To filter out the list of people without the necessary details like phone no./e-mail and postal address filled out, first, click the View button, then View options, and tick the option Display only incomplete entries and Display.
To display people of the same category, you can click on the category symbol on the list...
...or filter out specific people using the category filter.
If you select at least one person, an additional toolbar will appear. This enables you to assign an account manager, tag, category, quickly add a new task for each of the selected people (for example, add a task for a follow-up call), etc. This is how you can also access the export option in case you need to pull out a list of people from your Scoro database.
If you move the cursor to the name line, a plus sign will appear that allows you to add a new task or event linked to that person.
When you click on the icon in front of the person's name, the modify view is displayed allowing you to quickly make changes to the contact card.
Click on the person's name to get to the person's detailed view.
To add tasks or task bundles to multiple people at once, select the necessary people and click on New task or Add task bundle on the additional filters toolbar.
Click on the activity date to quickly modify the planned or last activity.
Hover over the date to see the preview of the activity.
You can give external people access to your Scoro site via the Customer Portal to collaborate on projects, include them in discussions, and give them access to documents related to them.