Instead of navigating from a quote to the project list to create a new project from scratch, and adding the relevant details manually after a client has confirmed your offer, save time and create a project with one click straight from the quote.
Click on the Create project button to create a project. It is shown only if the quote hasn't already been linked to a project.
You’re taken to the project modify view, where the relevant data is already filled out for you based on the quote. All you need to do is to add additional information on the project, e.g., project name, due date, members, and other details.
You can modify the total hours planned for the project, but the rest of the budget will be prefilled based on the quote. Both income and cost from the quote are taken into account when comparing the budgeted data to actual results and filling the project summary table in the project detailed view.
The project price list is the same as your quote's price list.
If you use subheadings on your quote, these will be used as your project phases. For phases, you will need to set up the start and due dates of them, and you can add additional phases, milestones or task bundles to these phases: