The detailed financial report is for filtering different financial data, for example, by users, invoices, clients, payment terms and accounting objects, and additionally group in many different ways. You can also use double grouping – by client, then by countries. This allows you to create numerous custom financial reports.
Pick an input, the basis, for the report.
Note! Profit and margin related inputs are available with the margin feature. Use the Settings > Administration panel to change your site plan.
Use filters to compile the report relevant to your needs.
The View button allows you to pick and choose different data columns visible in the report and decide in what order they're displayed.
Customizable summary bar gives you a quick overview of all the metrics related to that specific report that are important to you.
If your Scoro site has enabled "Periodize product/service lines on quotes" setting, you will also have additional input "Quotes periodized," which you can use to check specific time periods and compare data with similar periods:
And setting "Periodize product/service lines on invoices" will give you Revenue input in the Detailed Financial report, with the same filtering options as for Quotes periodized.
!Note The invoice line periodization is only available on the Scoro Ultimate package or with the ‘'Dates on invoice lines’' add-on.
The quote line periodization is available with a separate feature enabled on your site. If you wish to have these two features available, please reach out to us via our contact form for further assistance.
Summary report
The financial summary report displays an overview of your company's revenue via invoices and a summary of all financial documents (including your expenses).
Both the invoices and summary tab display information as a two-year comparison by months.
Clicking on the invoices sum will display the list of invoices with appropriate filters applied, clicking on the bill sum will display the list of bills, also filtered.
The summary graph gives an overview of both income and expenses.
Financial reporting on multiple entities
Instead of going back and forth between your entities, attempting to see the whole picture, effortlessly create custom summarized financial reports based on the data under various entities.
Note! Summarized financial reports are available in our Ultimate plan with the Multi-entity reporting feature.
With multi-entity reporting, Scoro takes all of your companies’ data and sums it up, so you can get a quick overview without switching between different accounts.
The feature can be used if you are managing multiple entities on one Scoro site. You need to be a site administrator to be able to add additional entities. Administrators can select what entities are allowed for users, and which of them is their default account.
For example, go to the detailed financial report. If you have access to different entities, the entity filter is visible in your filter bar.
Select which entities’ data you want to summarize and click Filter.
Note! Multi-entity reporting works in the detailed financial report, summary report and pipeline report. The summarized pipeline report gives you a good overview of all your financial results over multiple entities.