An accounting object can be anything you wish to measure your expenses and income with. Accounting objects give a clear overview of product, project, department and other related expenses and income in real time.
Object structure is defined by your company's needs. Objects are like pockets, where money is collected in or taken out of.
If you wish to enable reporting by income and cost types, activate accounting objects: Settings > Sales and finance > Accounting objects.
Accounting objects can also be used for quotes.
- Year overview gives a clear overview of income and expenses by months for a selected year. This way you'll always see quickly when, for example, expenses have gone up during a month. You can select an input type: invoices-bills, sales margin, invoices and bills. In addition, successful quotes, orders and their margin. You can also select a user and year.
- Detailed report enables you to filter the report by user, cost and income type, accounting object, contact, project and time period, you also have grouping options. For example, you can create an accounting object 'Advertising cost' and link all commercial costs to it. This way you'll see how much money was spent on what.
The Detailed report allows four different groupings by Client, List, Project, or Project client.
Grouping by Project or Project client (and having a specific company filtered out), the system will look for invoices related to the filtered contact’s projects. So all invoices that have been issued on the filtered contact's projects.
If you are grouping the invoices by Clients, (and still have a specific contact filtered out) then the system will look for invoices that are issued for the filtered contact.