Navigate to Settings > Site settings > Company data and logo to fill in or change your company data. This information can be added to the PDF templates (quotes, invoices, orders, etc.) sent out from your Scoro site through dynamic fields. However, if you want your company data to be displayed in the footer of the document as well, you must add the relevant data to PDF templates from Settings > Site settings > PDF templates.
Add and change the company logo shown on your Scoro site and on the PDF documents. Whenever you add a logo, the system will resize it dynamically. The maximum height for logos is 45px, and the width is aligned automatically to keep the image proportions intact. If your logo has a transparent background, use the .svg format.
You can add multiple bank accounts if you have multiple accounts that your company manages. For that, click on 'Add bank account', and additional fields will be available.
Then, to display the bank account details on the PDF printout, you will need to select the relevant dynamic field. The numbering of the bank account detail dynamic field, is the same as the order of how the details were added.
More on the PDF templates, please read here.