To activate this option, you need to have media functionality. Please contact our Support for that. Once the media functionality has been added to your site, activate it under Settings > Sales and finance > General.
Interested party field is then displayed under quotes, orders, and invoices.
In addition, you need to add the relevant rights to each permission set go to Settings > Administration > Permission sets.
How do I use the interested party functionality?
Add the interested party as you would add any other company.
Example 1
A quote will be made to Cinema Solaris, but the invoice will go to Solaris Center.
The client is Solaris Center, the interested party is Cinema Solaris.
Example 2
Cinema Solaris orders commercial time from TV3, TV3 will order it from Massive Media. Massive Media will invoice TV3 (the client), Cinema Solaris is the interested party.
Reporting about interested parties is available under the detailed financial report.