Instead of creating a new invoice from scratch, you can create an invoice straight from a quote or an order. Just go to the list of quotes/orders and click on the document icon.
You can also create an invoice from the client and project view, in which case the client will be automatically selected and the invoice will be linked to that client or project.
Note! With Scoro, you can easily create an invoice based on the work you've done. Read more on how to use billable time.
If you still wish to add an entirely new invoice, there are a couple of ways to do so:
- Click on the button + New in the list of invoices.
- Click on the plus sign on the header and then New invoice.
Enter the client and contact person you want to send the invoice to. Also, link the invoice to a project, to get reporting and see all the linked documents in the project view.
If the client is already in your database, a match will be displayed when you start typing. If there is no match found, a green plus sign will be displayed to signify that a new company will be added to the database. However, the name is all you'll have this way. So, in the interest of full data, please add a company before you start creating the invoice.
When you link the invoice to a project, it will also be seen in the project view.
When adding products prices and units are displayed automatically if you have entered them into the product database. The displayed price can be changed (dependent on settings).
When you add a new product to the invoice line, it will also be saved in the product database, if your site has 'Add new products/services on sales documents to product database' enabled. Be cautious with this setting, as it allows duplicate items!
Each product can have a description. Actually, even two. The second one can be hidden from the PDF.
If you wish to use two descriptions (for example, one to describe the product, the second for return policy info), activate the setting Use secondary product description on lines under Settings > Sales and finance > General. You can also hide the secondary description from the PDF.
If accounting objects are enabled under finance settings, you can link them to products in order to get even more detailed reporting by filtering by accounting objects and groups.
To find a product using the product code, type the code into the box Select product.
Accounting period can be used to indicate the period during which the services were used by the customer. For example, you send out an invoice on the 1st of July for the services used during June. Use this data to filter out all invoices from a certain accounting period to get even more detailed reporting. Go to Settings > Sales and finances > Invoices to activate this option.
In order to see the margin, enter the cost for each product line. Margin can be activated under finance settings. You can also add a supplier, who the product or service is bought from. Companies are displayed in the supplier list if they have been marked as such in the contact modify view.
Margin enables you to get a real-time overview of how much you're earning with each sale.
The number of lines displayed when you create an invoice depends on the number you have entered under settings. Lines can be added, deleted and dragged to rearrange.
Using subheadings makes long invoices easier to view. Additionally, you can group and hide prices on rows and hide entire rows.
If you do not wish to display the prices of rows on the PDF, you can hide them. In that case, clients will only see the sum of rows following the subheadings.
Tax rates and discounts can also be line-based. To use line-based tax rates and discounts, make sure to enable both settings under Sales and finances > Tax rates and separately Discounts.
Click on the percentage icon to open the discount calculator.
If you have filled in everything you need, click Save to save your invoice.
If your site has an approval process enabled for invoices and the total sum of your invoice exceeds the threshold, you'll be required to request approval from the designated approvers in your company. The invoice cannot be sent to the recipient before it's approved. Read more on the approvals of quotes, invoices, and purchase orders.
Once your invoice is approved, or if approval isn't required, click Send to share it with the recipient. The recipient’s field is automatically filled. So is the content of the e-mail, if you have entered the information under settings. Scoro creates a PDF file based on your site’s template and selected language.
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