You can set up your site's currencies under Settings > Sales and Finance > Currencies. Currencies can be created, modified and deleted by users with the appropriate permissions.
Select the currencies you wish to use on sales and purchase documents. Also, select which of those is the default currency used on the documents created on your site. You can still modify the currency on the document while creating it, but the default currency will be the one that is set if you do not have a preferred one.
The default currency can differ between entities if you're using multiple entities on one Scoro site.
The site's default currency is also the default currency for new users added to your site. Each user can change the currency displayed on their site by going to My settings > Preferences.
Currencies are updated automatically every day at 6 p.m. according to Euro foreign exchange reference rates (ECB). It's also possible to use yesterday's rate, in which case the previous day's currency rates are used until 00:00.
You can also add currencies manually by clicking New rate, in this case, you are in charge of updating the rates. Manual currencies come in handy if you use one or more of the less common currencies in your business.
You can change existing currency rates from automatic to manual under Currency rates. Drag the cursor to the currency line you'd like to change and click Modify.
Note! After changing an automatically updated rate to a manual update, these changes cannot be reverted, so be mindful before applying changes.
The Base currency can be changed to any given currency, however, please keep in mind that this is a site-based currency, which means that if you have multiple entities, this will affect all entities.
Note that changing the base currency will automatically trigger the recalculation of all finance documents using that currency. This does not affect the display currency shown on all your documents. The changes will take about 10 minutes to take effect. Also, it is important not to make any changes to any of the finance documents in your Scoro account during that time.