If you invoice your clients based on the time you spend delivering the service, you need to activate time-billing in Scoro.
With time-billing enabled, you can turn time entries and events into an invoice with just a few simple clicks – either directly from the project view or via the detailed work reports.
It's the easiest way to invoice for your time in Scoro. It helps to ensure that you don't forget to charge for the time you put in, as you can easily keep track of the yet-unbilled events and time-entries.
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Time-billing options
There are two ways to approach time-billing in Scoro.
Option 1: Invoice the customer based on the actual duration of the activities – the time you and your team spend on the project-related activities. This method doesn't require any separate setup.
Pro tip! Instead of logging time manually, you can easily track your work time with the help of the Time Tracker and then bill your client based on the automatically logged time.
For this, head to Settings > Work and projects > Time-billing and enable the option Bill time tracker time entries.
Option 2: Use billable time as a separate indicator, which you can define in addition to the actual duration.
This way, you can determine which portion of the work you invoice the client for. It works with events, tasks, and time entries.
To use billable time as well, enable the setting Use billable time under Settings > Work and projects > Time-billing.With this option enabled, you will see a separate billable time field under events, tasks, and time entries, which lets you define the billable portion in addition to the actual or planner duration.
Service prices vs role prices
You can choose to bill your time based on role or service prices. You can make that decision on a project level. Note that this choice also affects the project revenue calculation method.
- Role prices – time is billed with the selling prices defined for user roles.
- Service prices – time is billed with the selling prices defined on the quote or under products/services.
You can make a choice between role and service prices when compiling a quote and deciding on the pricing method. Read more about it here.
You can see the same option in the Modify view if your project doesn’t have a quote. Note that this choice also affects the project revenue calculation method.
NB! You can choose between role- and service-based prices only if you have enabled Roles for your site. Otherwise, service prices will be applied by default.
Role prices
All the time entries and events you invoice will automatically take the selling price of the role assigned to the doer. Read more about roles and the logic of role-based prices.
Service prices
- From the quote
If you’ve created your project and tasks from a quote, all the time entries and events you invoice will automatically take the selling price from the quote. - From the product/service rate card
If you have not created your project and tasks from a quote, your time entries can also take their selling price from the product/service rate card with the help of activity types. This means each task must have an activity type, which is linked to a service or product with a selling price. Read below how to link an activity type to a product/service.
Another option is to Use simple time-billing, in which case all the selected activities are automatically transferred to the invoice, even the ones without an activity type or product/service. You can then manually link each document line with your database's relevant product/service.
Linking an activity type to a product/service
- Go to Settings > Work and projects > Activity types and create a new activity type or open an existing one to modify it. Add a related product and save the activity type.
Add new product will create a new product with the same name as the activity type. You can also Choose from existing ones, meaning you can link the activity type to an existing product/service.
You can check which products/services are linked to different activity types in the activity type list view. Click on the product/service name to go to the product card. - Open the relevant product/service by clicking on its name in the list and define the selling price on the product/service rate card. If you’ve set up price lists, you can define prices for each one separately.
Now when you create new events and tasks that need to be settled with the client, you can link them with relevant activity types to apply suitable selling prices.
Billing via detailed work report
- In the detailed work report, filter out the relevant (e.g., a certain team member's or project-related not billed) activities and tick the ones you would like to compile an invoice for.
- Click on the button Create invoice.
If you are using activity confirmation, be sure to confirm the activities first.
You can easily tell if a time entry has been confirmed and billed or not. There are two icon columns in the Detailed work report and next to time entries in the task detailed view – one for each status. The icons are blue and green if a time entry is confirmed and fully billed. Yellow stands for a partially billed time entry; the icon is grey if it hasn’t been billed yet.
You can click on the billed icons to see the relevant invoice(s). If the confirmation icons are grey, the time entries still need to be confirmed before they can be invoiced.
Tick the relevant time entries in the work report and confirm them with one click, then continue creating an invoice for your customer.
Note! You can also invoice for project-related bills. When clicking on Create invoice, you can select if you create an invoice For time only or With related bills.
To include project-related bills in the invoice, the Chargeable to the client checkbox has to be ticked on the bills you wish to use for invoicing. - The product/service and the respective role- or service-based selling price are now visible on the invoice.
- The activities are marked as billed in the report when the invoice is saved.
Billing from the project view
In the same way, you can bill from the project view by creating an invoice based on certain jobs in the specific project view. This is convenient if you need to create an invoice for tasks and events related to one project.
Just select the relevant activities in the Time section and click Create invoice.